Press Releases

Koreas hold talks on prep for inter-Korean summit, “Peace, A New Start” chosen as event’s official slogan

Apr 15,2018
Presidential spokesman gives briefing on working-level talks, summit slogan, launch of online platform

Cheong Wa Dae |April 15, 2018

Official slogan for 2018 inter-Korean summit: “Peace, A New Start”

Official slogan for 2018 inter-Korean summit: “Peace, A New Start”

South and North Korea on April 4 held talks on preparation for the third inter-Korea summit from 10:30 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m. (Korean Standard Time) at the North Korean building of Tongilgak in the U.N. peace village of Panmunjom.

After this discussion, both sides decided to hold working-level talks on the summit’s protocol, security and media coverage on April 18 at the same venue.

Meanwhile, the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit Preparation Committee selected the official slogan for the summit: “Peace, A New Start.”

This will be the first meeting between the leaders of both Koreas in 11 years and provide guidance for the summit between the North and the U.S., signifying the beginning of a journey toward heightened peace on the Korean Peninsula.

The slogan embodies the Korean people’s aspiration that this rare opportunity will serve as an entry way to peace.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said at the fifth meeting of the summit’s preparatory committee on April 11, “Panmunjom might represent the confrontation between the two Koreas until now, but on the day of the summit, it will become a symbol of communication and create a dramatic contrast.”

He also said that “(Seoul) needs to inform the people of the preparation details.”

Written with a brush on rice paper, the slogan will be utilized as a backdrop for official government briefings as well as in promotional materials.

Cheong Wa Dae gives a briefing on the working-level talks, slogan and launch of an online platform for the upcoming inter-Korean summit.