'Korea and the U.S. both want the end of war': president

▲ 문재인 대통령이 12일 청와대에서 영국 BBC 로라 비커(Laura Bicker) 서울특파원과 인터뷰를 하고 있다. 청와대

President Moon Jae-in has an interview with BBC’s Seoul correspondent, Laura Bicker at Cheong Wa Dae on Oct. 12. (Cheong Wa Dae)

By Hahm Hee-eun

“Korea and the United States both agree that it is desirable to declare the end of war as soon as possible. It’s only a matter of time. I’m sure that the end of war will be declared someday soon.”

President Moon Jae-in said, “President Trump and I have repeatedly discussed declaring the end of war,” during an interview with BBC’s Seoul correspondent Laura Bicker at Cheong Wa Dae on Oct. 12. 

Regarding the international economic sanctions, the President said, “International economic sanctions have had a great effect in bringing North Korea to the forefront of dialogue for denuclearization. If North Korea continues to take sincere steps toward denuclearization, then sanctions could be eased.” 

When asked by the journalist how the President would provide support of more than KRW 1 trillion while economic sanctions are carried out, he replied, “We are preparing in advance for inter-Korean economic cooperation, until the day when UN economic sanctions are eased. If North Korea takes actions for complete denuclearization, we have a responsibility to show that North Korea can achieve a bright future of economic prosperity.”

Moreover, President Moon Jae-in also thanked Europe for its support for the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula. He said, “Europe has consistently supported the government's goal to make peaceful measures for North Korea’s denuclearization. Europe is a great mediator that can suggest creative solutions for inter-Korean and North Korea-U.S. dialogues.”

The President emphasized the history of Europe and said, “In order to build the European Union (E.U.), Europe started from the European Coal and Steel Community and took steps of solidarity. Similarly, Northeast Asia requires a multilateral system for peace and security to maintain lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. I hope that the European leaders could share their wisdom and experiences in their efforts in establishing solidarity.” 

Regarding the North Korean human rights issue, which many Europeans and Americans have consistently mentioned, the President said, “The practical way to improve human rights in North Koreans is by improving cooperation between the two Koreas, and between the international community and North Korea. By doing so, North Korea could become an opened state for its people.”

President Moon, also known as the son of Korean refugees, mentioned his parents, who had to leave North Korea during the Korean War. He added, “I have acutely felt the tragedy of war and separation. Ending the war in this land, overcoming the separation of Korea are my highest political goals.” 


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