Honorary Reporters

Jul 19, 2023

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By Honorary Reporter Danilo Malafaia from Brazil and Suzy Kwak from Canada
Photos = @limarquesfoto

Taekwondo, one of the world's most popular martial arts, includes all people and teaches that doing one's best can also benefit the world. In line with the taekwondo spirit, the Jadir Taekwondo Association (AJTKD) of Rio de Janeiro held an eco-friendly event on June 5 on the occasion of World Environment Day.

AJTKD students stand around what will be the world's largest urban garden at Madureira Park in Rio de Janeiro. 

AJTKD students planted trees at Madureira Park in a space that will eventually be the world's largest urban garden. They did so not just to cultivate an abundance of affordable organic produce but also help disadvantaged families by providing sustainable income streams.

An AJTKD student learns about plastic pollution using a virtual reality visor.

After the tree planting, the students attended a lecture on plastic pollution and the theme of this year's United Nations Environment Day, learning of the effects of plastic use on the planet and its ecosystems. They also saw the devastating impact of such pollution on marine biodiversity through a virtual reality journey to the oceans.

Yellow belt Alexander Martins, 17, called planting trees "an amazing experience" and said he was glad that youth like himself could take on social challenges and learn more about them by joining the AJTKD.

AJTKD students walk around Madureira Park in Rio de Janeiro.

Since 2000, the AJTKD has constantly raised awareness of environmental protection and climate change and pledged action. In recognition of its efforts, the association last year earned the Teamwork Award at the inaugural BBC Green Sports Awards.

The relationship between taekwondo and environmental protection is deeply rooted in the martial art's principles of balance, discipline and respect. By protecting the environment, AJTKD students can truly understand the connection between humans and nature and the importance of honoring the planet.


*This article is written by a Korea.net Honorary Reporter. Our group of Honorary Reporters are from all around the world, and they share with Korea.net their love and passion for all things.