
Jul 02, 2015

President Park Geun-hye attended the 17th National Unification Advisory Council held at Seoul Olympic Park on July 1. She requested that the advisors play a leading role in laying the groundwork for a peaceful reunification of the peninsula.

President Park Geun-hye attends the 17th National Unification Advisory Council at Seoul Olympic Park on July 1. She joins in the fan-waving, wishing for the nation's reunification.

President Park Geun-hye attends the 17th National Unification Advisory Council at Seoul Olympic Park on July 1. She joins in the fan-waving, wishing for the nation's reunification.

President Park said that, "Korea needs to overcome its problems to attain bigger achievements. It's the reality of being a divided nation that has weighed heavily on us over the past 70 years," adding that, "There is a saying that a path will open if there's a solid basis."

She said, "The path will open leading to a peaceful unification if we prepare for it with a clear vision and principles. I would like to ask the advisory council to take the lead on this path."

During the gathering, President Park gave appointment letters to seven advisors, representatives of the newly appointed 19,947 members. The advisory meeting is held biannually, and some 12,000 advisory members and about 80 South-North married couples participated in this year's meeting.

The 17th National Unification Advisory Council set the aim of realizing a peaceful unification of all 80 million Koreans, and plans to improve its consultation strategy, start concrete preparations, train a future workforce for unification and realize social integration and the sharing of warmth.

Some 12,000 advisors and 80 newly-married North Korean-South Korean couples attend the 17th National Unification Advisory Council on July 1.

Some 12,000 advisors and 80 newly-married North Korean-South Korean couples attend the 17th National Unification Advisory Council on July 1.

President Park Geun-hye passes along words of encouragement to a North Korean defector who recently married in Korea during the 17th National Unification Advisory Council on July 1.

President Park Geun-hye passes along words of encouragement to a North Korean defector who recently married in Korea during the 17th National Unification Advisory Council on July 1.

By Lee Seung-ah
Korea.net Staff Writer
Photos: Cheong Wa Dae