
Sep 20, 2019

‘2019 현대미술 국제심포지엄’이 20일 국립현대미술관 서울관에서 개막한 가운데 개회식에서 김태훈 해외문화홍보원 원장이 축사하고 있다.

Korean Culture and Information Service Director Kim Tae-hoon on Sept. 20 gives a speech at the opening ceremony of the international symposium 2019 Korea Research Fellow at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul.

By Jung Joori and Lee Hana
Photos = National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

The international symposium 2019 Korea Research Fellow, exploring the prospects for the next 50 years of modern art, opened on Sept. 20 at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) in Seoul.

The two-day event will be attended by curators from nine countries including Aurélie Besson, director of the media art center Molior in Canada, and independent curators Hiroyuki Hattori from Japan and Iris Xinru Long from China. They and ten independent curators from Korea will share insights on modern art's changing landscape.

Five sessions will cover topics such as the curator's role in art, art community and curation, art and technology, the identity of the Asian curator and the next steps in the movement. Presentations will be followed by Q&As with the audience.

"It's very meaningful for us to hold for the second straight year an event that brings together curators from around the world," said Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) Director Kim Tae-hoon. "We hope that the art experts can share their insights and build a foundation to elevate the status of modern art."

This year's symposium was organized by KOCIS as part of its invitational program for overseas professionals.

국립현대미술관 서울관에서 20일 열린 ‘2019 현대미술 국제심포지엄’의 첫 번째 세션 ‘변화하는 미술 환경 속 큐레이터의 역할’에서 캐나다 몰리어 미디어아트센터 디렉터 오렐리 베슨이 개별 발표를 하고 있다.

Aurélie Besson, director of the media art center Molior in Canada, on Sept. 20 gives a presentation on the curator's role in the changing art landscape in the international symposium 2019 Korea Research Fellow at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul.