
May 15, 2020

곽혜민 소위가 지난 00월 00일 대구시 국군대구병원 음압격리병동 내에서 코로나바이러스감염증-19에 대응해 승리하자라는 뜻을 담아 'V' 표시를 하며 동기의 요청에 사진을 찍고 있다. 권민주 소위

2nd Lt. Kwak Hye-min, a nurse for the Korean Armed Forces, on March 25 gives the "V" sign to her colleague at a sound pressure isolation ward of Armed Forces Daegu Hospital in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. (Kwon Min-ju)

By Kim Minji

"It was touching to see everyone band together to work behind the scenes."

So said 2nd Lt. Kwak Hye-min, a nurse who cared for COVID-19 patients at Armed Forces Daegu Hospital in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.

On March 3, Kwak graduated as a member of the Korea Armed Forces Nursing Academy's 60th class and was promptly assigned to the military hospital, which was designated to cater to victims of the pandemic.

Founded in 1967, the academy also marked a milestone this year as its 75 graduates for 2020 were the first class to be all deployed to the same place. Amid extensive media coverage of the coronavirus, the graduation ceremony got heavy attention.

지난 3월 3일 국군간호사관학교 졸업 및 소위 임관과 동시에 국군대구병원 근무를 명 받은 신임 간호장교 74명이 대구로 향하는 버스에 오르고 있다.

The 75 graduates of the Korea Armed Forces Nursing Academy's 60th class on March 3 board a bus in Daejeon bound for Armed Forces Daegu Daegu Hospital in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, after attending their graduation ceremony at the academy. (Yang Dong-wook, Korea Defense Daily)

Despite developing their physical capacities as soldiers and a sense of duty as nurses after spending four years at the academy, the graduates still found it hard to care for patients wearing personal protective equipment in isolation wards.

Kwak said she received a lot of support and courage from medical staff, patients and people.

"Medical professionals like doctors and nurses have received much of the spotlight, but at the hospital, many staff work behind the scenes to help COVID-19 patients recover," she said. "This assignment enlightened me to how numerous hospital staff like technicians doing CT scans or X-rays or staff examining sound pressure facilities are working behind the scenes while risking infection. I found it touching."

Kwak on April 10 returned to her unit after completing her 39-day deployment and underwent two weeks of self-quarantine.

"I feel terrible for concluding my mission without seeing the first patient I tended to recover and being discharged from the hospital," she said. "We were lifted by the many people who sent us coffee, handwritten letters and even thousand paper cranes, as such people were the driving force for us to quickly overcome the coronavirus pandemic."

She said she feels bad about the recent surge of infections at clubs in Seoul's Itaewon neighborhood. "Though it was a short period, I have the experience of caring for COVID-19 patients in Daegu," she said.

"If assigned to work at a hospital (for pandemic patients) again, I will do my job better."

국군사관학교 60기 간호장교들이 3일 대전 유성구 국군간호사관학교에서 열린 졸업 및 임관식을 마친 뒤 대구지역의 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 의료 지원을 위해 버스에 탑승 하며 후배 생도과 인사 나누고 있다. 대전=양동욱 기자

Members of the 60th class of the Korea Armed Forces Nursing Academy in Daejeon on March 3 congratulate each other at their graduation ceremony at the academy before boarding a bus to work in Daegu. (Yang Dong-wook, Korea Defense Daily)