
Feb 13, 2018

National Geographic’s Photo Ark
“Today we're losing species at rates 1,000 times greater than ever before. This is the best time ever to save species because so many need our help,” said Joel Satore.

U.S. photographer Satore founded Photo Ark in 2005, a project to document species before they disappear. So far, he has visited more than 40 countries to get portraits of various species.

The photographs of some 7,000 species are on display at the exhibition, ranging from the 6-mm long Socorro isopod, a tiny insect, to the giant 3-m tall African elephant.

When Nov. 10, 2017 ~ March. 4, 2018
Location Special-exhibition hall, War Memorial
Transportation Samgakji St., exit 11 or 12
Contact(TEL/FAX/Email) +82-2-6263-2621
Website https://ngphotoark.modoo.at/ (Korean only)