
Oct 21, 2015

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The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) are seeking their fifth group of Honorary Reporters to work with the team at throughout the end of 2015 and 2016.


These outstanding individuals will interact online with people from all around the world, letting them know about the breadth and variety of life in Korea and about their lives overseas as Koreans. Our group of Honorary Reporters will include both Koreans and non-Koreans, living both in Korea and elsewhere, creating a global network of writers and reporters. It is their stories that make our lives richer and more diverse.

1. Qualifications

■ Both Koreans and non-Koreans who are interested in sharing their stories and interacting online, emphasizing the similarities and differences found between Korean society and other cultures from around the world.
■ Active users of social media: Facebook, blogs, Twitter, Instagram, Weibo, etc.
■ Ability to generate content in English.
* Both Koreans and non-Koreans, including people who either live in Korea or elsewhere, must have adequate written and spoken communication skills in both Korean and English.

2. Activities

■ Write about the humanities, art, sports, cuisine, tourism, etc., and about daily life, focusing on both Korean culture, if you are a non-Korean living here, and, if you live overseas, your life there as an ethnic Korean.
■ Participate in events run by KOCIS and related organizations, such as Korean Cultural Centers.
■ Support promotional activities run by and KOCIS, both online and offline.

3. Benefits

■ Honorary Reporters will have the opportunity to experience many Korean cultural programs, both at home and abroad.
■ Honorary Reporters will be able to join events run by KOCIS and related organizations.
■ Honorary Reporters will have the chance to generate content at and at The Korea Blog.
■ Honorary Reporters will be paid a small modicum for their writings and activities.
■ Honorary Reporters will receive a formal Letter of Appointment, business cards and other small tokens, such as T-Shirts.

4. Application Process and Schedule

■ Area of Expertise: Written Content, Photography or Video (Please choose one.)
■ How to Apply: Please download and complete the Application Form attached below. All applicants must complete the Application Form and the Essay Assignment. The essay can be on any topic and should be less than two A4 pages. Applicants applying in the Photography or Video categories should also provide a link to part of their portfolio that is related to Korea. Please send all items to by the deadline below.

■ Application Period: Oct. 21 to Nov. 8, 2015

■ Announcement: Nov. 11, 2015
*The final list of Honorary Reporters will be posted on The Korea Blog and each new Honorary Reporter will receive a phone call, as well.

■ A formal launch ceremony will be held sometime in the middle of November 2015.