
Jul 26, 2016

남아프리카공화국 공군 중위로 한국전쟁에 참전했던 안토니오 마이클 뮬러 전(前) 공군참모총장이 26일 국립서울현충원 현충탑에서 분향하고 있다.

Former South African Air Force Chief of the General Staff Antonio Michael Muller lights an incense stick at the memorial tower at the Seoul National Cemetery on July 26.

"Korea gets more and more developed, every time I visit this nation."

Antonio Michael Muller from South Africa, who fought as an air force officer in the Korean War, remarked on Korea's growth over recent decades. The Korean War veteran is now once again revisiting Seoul, after previous trips here in 2011 and in 2005, when he returned to Korea for the first time after the war. Sixty-three years have passed since the armistice was signed and he left this land, and he can now only move with the help of a wheelchair. However, he stood up on his own two feet to pay tribute to his fellow soldiers who fought in the war together at the memorial tower at the Seoul National Cemetery. He then raised one hand in salute as the other sought support from his cane.

국가보훈처 초청으로 한국을 찾은 130여 명의 한국전쟁 참전용사와 가족들이 26일 국립서울현충원 현충탑에서 분향을 한 뒤, 묵념을 하고 있다.

Some 130 veterans of the Korean War and bereaved family members, invited to Seoul by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, pay tribute at the memorial tower at the Seoul National Cemetery on July 26.

Muller is visiting Seoul on the invitation of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, along with 130 other war veterans and bereaved family members from 17 different countries. During their stay in Korea, these veterans who protected this land, alongside their offspring and family members, will not only visit the War Memorial of Korea, Panmunjom and the Seoul National Cemetery, but also visit Gyeongbokgung Palace, Insa-dong, the National Museum of Korea and the neighborhood of Itaewon, where they will be able to see and experience the changes Korea and Korean society have underwent, that they were not able to see when they were here during the war.

26일 국립서울현충원 현충탑에서 분향을 마친 130여 명의 한국전쟁 참전용사와 가족들이 현충탑을 나서고 있다.

More than 130 Korean War veterans and their bereaved family members depart the Seoul National Cemetery after making offerings of incense on July 26.

They will also attend a ceremony to mark the "Korean Armistice Agreement and the Day of U.N. Forces' Entry Into the Korean War" on July 27. The head of the French Korean War Veterans Association, Patrick Beauduin, will accept a Peony Medal. The head of the International Federation of Korean War Veterans Association, John Bishop, from Canada, will accept a Camelia Medal. Alan Guy of the British Korean War Veterans Association and Vitor Albert Dey of the Australian Korea War Veterans Association will both accept Civil Merit Medals. Finally, U.S. veteran Duane E. Dewey, Belgian veteran Raymond Jozef Jan Behr, and Philippine veteran Maximo Young and South Africa's Muller will all accept the Taegeuk Order of Military Merit during the ceremony, as well. To honor the late U.S. Commander Raymond Davis, his grandson will accept the order in his place.

By Jeon Han, Chang Iou-chung
Photos: Jeon Han, Photographer Staff Writers

남아공 공군 중위로 한국전쟁에 참전했던 안토니오 마이클 뮬러 전(前) 공군참모총장이 26일 국립서울현충원 현충탑에서 분향한 뒤, 한국의 호국영령들에게 거수경례를 하고 있다.

Former South African Air Force Chief of the General Staff Antonio Michael Muller, who fought during the Korea War as an air force officer, salutes the heroes laying in rest at the Seoul National Cemetery on July 26.

130여 명의 한국전쟁 참전용사와 가족들이 26일 국립서울현충원을 찾아 현충탑에서 분향을 한 뒤, 기념촬영을 하고 있다.

Some 130 Korean War veterans and bereaved family members pose for a picture at the Seoul National Cemetery on July 26.

남아공의 안토니오 마이클 뮬러 전(前) 공군참모총장이 26일 국립중앙박물관에서 백제의 유물을 유심히 살피고 있다.

Former South African Air Force Chief of the General Staff Antonio Michael Muller looks around the ancient Baekje artifacts on display at the National Museum of Korea on July 26.

한국전쟁 UN군 참전용사와 가족들이 26일 국립중앙박물관에서 ‘활자의 나라 조선’ 특별전을 관람하고 있다.

Korean War veterans of the U.N. forces and their family members look around the artifacts on display in the special exhibit 'Joseon: The Movable Type Dynasty' at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul on July 26.