
Mar 29, 2016

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‘무궁화’에서 ‘태극’으로 도안이 바뀐 새 정부기가 29일 첫 게양된 가운데 해병대 군악대가 축하 연주를 하고 있다.

Following the recent changes where the official government insignia was changed from a hibiscus to a taegeuk, the new flag is hoisted for the first time on March 29 in front of the Government Complex-Seoul with a performance by the marine band.

A new governmental flag was hoisted for the first time at each of the ten government complexes on March 29.

The flag bears the taegeuk symbol, representing Korea's history and traditions and its vision for the future. Below the symbol is written "Government of the Republic of Korea." The hibiscus insignia, which was used on the governmental flag from 1949, had symbolized the Korean government for the past 67 years, but it garnered low public awareness. Moreover, each government agency had been using its own logo or insignia.

29일 정부서울청사에 모인 각 부처 장관들과 관계자들이 지켜보고 있는 가운데 새로운 대한민국 정부기가 게양되고 있다.

On March 29, with ministers from different government departments and other guests in attendance, the new governmental flag is hoisted in front of the Government Complex-Seoul.

Minister of the Interior Hong Yun-sik said, "It is true that the majority of citizens did not fully grasp the symbolic meaning of the government's insignia, or the logos of each government agency. It was therefore very meaningful that our ministry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, was able to create a new insignia that resonates better with all citizens. We will be sure to use this historic moment as an opportunity to strive toward more innovation, for the happiness of our people and for the advancement of our nation."

By Jeon Han, Lee Hana
Korea.net Staff Writers
Photos: Jeon Han

대한민국 정부기 게양식이 열린 29일 각 부처 장관들이 새로운 대한민국 정부기 게양을 축하하고 있다. 사진 왼쪽에서부터 이근면 인사혁신처장, 박인용 국민안전처 장관, 김종덕 문화체육관광부 장관, 홍윤식 행정자치부 장관, 윤병세 외교부 장관, 홍용표 통일부 장관, 강은희 여성가족부 장관.

On March 29, ministers from various government departments celebrate the hoisting of the new governmental flag in front of the Government Complex-Seoul. From left: Minister of Personnel Management Lee Geun-myeon, Minister of Public Safety and Security Park Inyong, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Kim Jongdeok, Minister of the Interior Hong Yun-sik, Minister of Foreign Affairs Yun Byung-se Minster of Unification Hong Yong-pyo and Minister of Gender Equality and Family Kang Eunhee.

대한민국 정부기 게양식이 열린 29일 홍윤식 행정자치부 장관이 지난 67년간 사용된 ‘무궁화’ 문양의 구형 정부기를 국가기록원에 이관하고 있다.

At the flag hoisting ceremony on March 29, Minster of the Interior Hong Yun-sik hands over the previous flag, used for 67 years and bearing a hibiscus, to a representative from the National Archives of Korea.

대한민국 정부기 게양식이 열린 29일 홍윤식 행정자치부 장관이 축사를 하고 있다.

Minister of the Interior Hong Yun-sik gives his congratulatory remarks during the flag hoisting ceremony on March 29.